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LinkedIn Advertising with AI

Let AI powered data help you find more customers!

Why LinkedIn?

The largest global community of professionals

13 M

Business Decision Makers

16 M

CEO Network

179 M

APAC Professionals

690 M

professionals on LinkedIn

5.7 M

Mass Affluent

3 M

Opinion Leaders

1.25 M

IT Decision Makers

How does AI-Data help my LinkedIn ads?

LinkedIn Account Based Marketing (ABM) enables you to target the exact audiences you wish to reach and convert them into leads. That said, the known contacts of startups and SMEs are usually too small for data matching; this is when our AI Data helps you expand your audience!

Image by NASA
Our Advantages

SpotlightHub offers customized B2B marketing solutions.

Your wish, our command!

Image by Headway
Image by Hunter Harritt
Image by Hunters Race



Expand your brand’s footprint in any region and take it further than translations! Our localized ad copies use the most commonly spoken language written by only native speakers!

Don’t know where to find the audience? No worries! Let our AI-powered Audience Expansion build your TA list overnight! You hand in seeds, we grow into trees!


Still struggling to convert your leads? Let our data-driven ad report provide the insight to help you target and connect with the persona that matters to your business the most!


1. Requirement

Tell us about your company, the objective for this campaign, and special requests to help us lay the foundation for a successful LinkedIn campaign!


Full transparency! 
These deliverables help you keep track of the whole campaigning process.

Image by Matthew Ansley
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Image by Frank Busch

Forecast Proposal

Leads Data

Performance Report


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